Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Kelly!

Sunday was my sweet husbands 29th birthday. We decided to celebrate by taking the festivities to the Sand Dunes. We had a bunch of friends join us and Kelly had a blast. I love when his friends come out with us and bring their toys so Kelly has someone to go riding with. We went down Saturday morning and had a big bon fire that night with all the friends. Sunday morning everyone left except for us. We love having friends there but we also love just hanging out with just the two of us and not having anything to do but relax. I didn't bust out the camera until Sunday so I don't have a whole lot of pics.

I only try the four wheeler when everyone is gone. I'm not very good at it.
Kelly and I in front of the trailer.
Look I even played foot ball with Kelly. Also, not very good at it.
Kelly was pretty proud of the fire he built.
I love you Kelly and I had the best time with you this weekend. I hope you had a wonderful 29th birthday!!!


{natalie} said...

happy birthday kelly.

i'm with you rach, i wouldn't be driving the 4 wheeler with anyone watching...i am stinky.

it looks so fun down at the dunes. and your trailer looks awesome

M Occasionally B said...

I am posting this comment to tell you look great on a 4-wheeler and now it's time for a new post. seriously rach, it's been nearly a month... ;)