Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Weekend at the Dunes!! Again.

What a weekend for the dunes. We headed out there Saturday morning. The weather was nice and miserably hot. We got some good riding in that day. Someone managed to tip over a Rhino and another person lost their four wheeler. That was all in the first ride. Sunday things cooled down a bit via huge gusts of wind. I seriously thought some of the trailers were going to tip over. Not a whole lot of riding was done that day. That night we had the most amazing lightning storm I have ever seen. However an amazing lightning storm leads to a lot of mud. It wasn't bad though because it cleared most people out and left us great riding the next day. Because of the rain we were able to get the razor to the top of Sand Mountain.

To some this might just look like a picture of my brothers behind but because of the rain storm we went to our friends trailer and played games. This was how we decided to get back to our trailer. It was really slippery and really funny.

A couple of the guys we went with decided they should light a fire in the rain. Well because everything was wet the poured gasoline on the fire. As you can see here the gasoline quickly caught on fire even up to the top of the gas tank. Don't play with fire kids. No one was hurt during this incident.
Martin and Steve at the top of Sand Mountain in the Rhino. For those of you that don't know Rhinos don't usually make it up the face of the mountain.

And here I am, my first time at the top of Sand Mountain. It was a pretty cold and a really fun ride. Yes I am still wearing bags around my feet. It was really muddy.


Annette said...

That legs-in-the-bag picture is pretty funny!

Helen said...

I'm glad you had fun at Lagoon...I mean the dunes. Let's hang out sometime soon..we need some girl time!

M Occasionally B said...

looks like so much fun even if the weather was miserable. sometimes those days make the best memories. I love the trash bags around the feet. that is so somehting I would do.

{natalie} said...

it is so funny to think of you guys hopping to the trailer w/bags around your ankles. your weekend sounds really fun.

Angela and Tyler said...

It is hard to believe it was like a hundred degrees just the day before it got so cold! You look so bundled up on top of the mtn.

Cameron Family said...

Looks like a fun time....WE really have to go with you guys sometime. Minus the wind and rain. But I would take a nice heat lighting storm.