Friday, April 3, 2009

Flashback Friday!!

Remember when I didn't have a job? I know it was only a month ago, but I already miss it.

I had time to play guitar hero.

I had time to be goofy and take fake dancing pictures with my friend.I could go out on the weekends.

But what I miss most of all is my hubby. I barely see him. I miss the days where I could lay around with him in the mornings and be lazy. I miss our dinner outings on the weekends. I miss our Sundays where we could do whatever we wanted. Oh well I'm sure they will be back soon enough.

Now, I don't want to you to think I am complaining. I am really liking my job and yesterday I made an extra 64 buck by signing 12 people up for a rewards card. I was pretty proud of myself. Plus even though I could do all the things listed above I was bored most of the time. I will be very grateful to have the extra spending cash. New wardrobe, here I come.


M Occasionally B said...

lame...for the first time I will have no job and what do you go do...get a job! but yeah for $! anyway, I think as a homecoming gift you should burn be a copy of the new All American Rejects CD for me. Cody and I have been listening to it on your blog and he seems to like it. he always smiles when I play it!

Debbie said...

Yeah, working definitely interferes with what we really want to do. Course, without the job, I still can't do what I want to do cause I have no money. It stinks.