Thursday, November 6, 2008

My mornings

Only on rare occasions does Kelly wake up before me. Once I get up Dax gets up and thinks its time to play. Most the time I am okay to play with but this morning he just wasn't having it. He wanted Kelly to wake up and play with him. I thought it was cute so I took a picture.

Dax strategically places his ball on Kellys neck to try and get his attention. He then just sits there and waits. Usually he just stares at the ball but he saw me taking a pictures so he looked at me.
Then he came over and got right in front of the camera. Curious little dog who loves to get his picture taken.


Megan said...

That funny pup has more personality than any dog I know!

Cameron Family said...

Ha, Ha! That is pretty dang funny! Did Kelly get up and paly with Dax?

BRAD&BRITT said...


M Occasionally B said...

ya I have been MIA. but I am soo excited about the movie. I'm hoping to score some sweet pics of the crazy people dressed like vampires. opening nights are the best for that!

Jenn said...

Everyone has a blog!? Why didn't I know this??? I love the picture of Dax with the ball on Kelly's neck.
The boy I work with at school has a little brother named Daxton. I realized that I had started to call him Daxie because that's what I call your dog, haha :)