Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's almost here!

I seriously can't believe I will be 30 tomorrow. When did I get this old. I need to have a serious conversation with Father Time. I swear I am only 23, tops.

I figure if I continue to act like a 12 year old I can stay young forever. Even when I look like this.

More pics to come. My hubby has something up his sleeve for tonight.


Lindsey said...

hey she(or he) is hot. have a great bday

Annette said...

Happy birthday! Thirty's not so bad! I was kind of excited to turn 30...a few years back. Can't wait to hear what Kelly did for you!

Daina Romney said...

Happy 30th, I hated turning 30, but it hasn't been so bad, I swear that I am still 20. Here's to thirty, flirty and fabulous!

M Occasionally B said...

dont worry you will always be 12 to me!

Cameron Family said...

Happy Birthday! I am so sad that we missed your party last night! I am sure it was TONS of fun! Turning 30 is not SO bad!